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The 5 Deadliest Mistakes Drivers Make Every Day

5 Deadliest Mistakes Drivers Make Every Day

Every day, drivers in Maryland and across the country make mistakes that can lead to devastating car accidents. Despite technological advancements and safety features in modern vehicles, human error remains the leading cause of accidents.

As a car accident lawyer in Maryland, Mooney Law has seen firsthand how these common mistakes result in serious injuries and even fatalities. Here, you can learn more about the five deadliest mistakes drivers make on the road and how avoiding them can help save lives.

1. Distracted Driving: The Leading Cause of Accidents

Distracted driving is one of the most common and dangerous behaviors on the road today. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed 3,522 lives in the United States in 2021. In Maryland alone, thousands of accidents are attributed to distractions every year.

Drivers often underestimate the risks of looking at their phones, eating, adjusting the radio, or even talking to passengers while driving. A mere three-second glance from the road could result in a life-changing accident.

Maryland Laws on Distracted Driving

Maryland has strict laws in place to combat distracted driving. It is illegal for drivers to use a handheld phone while driving, and texting is completely prohibited. Penalties for violating these laws can include fines and points on the driver’s license. However, despite these regulations, distracted driving remains a persistent issue.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident caused by a distracted driver, contacting a Maryland car accident attorney can help protect your rights and seek compensation for damages.

2. Speeding: A Leading Contributor to Fatal Crashes

Speeding is another leading cause of accidents, and it significantly increases the likelihood of severe injuries or fatalities. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2020. Speeding reduces the time a driver has to react to unexpected situations and increases the impact force during a collision.

In Maryland, speed limits are enforced to keep roads safe, but many drivers ignore these limits. Whether running late or driving aggressively, speeding drivers put everyone at risk.

Maryland Speeding Laws

Maryland law enforces strict penalties for speeding, including fines, points on your driving record, and even license suspension for excessive speed. The state also has specific penalties for aggressive driving, often involving speeding and other reckless behaviors.

If you’ve been injured by a speeding driver, consulting an accident lawyer in Maryland can help you understand your legal options and fight for the compensation you deserve.

3. Driving Under the Influence: A Preventable Tragedy

Driving under the influence (DUI) remains one of the most dangerous and reckless actions a driver can take. According to the NHTSA, nearly 32 people die every day in the U.S. due to drunk-driving-related accidents. In Maryland, DUI accidents claim numerous lives each year, with alcohol-related crashes accounting for approximately 30% of all traffic fatalities.

Drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs have slower reaction times, impaired judgment, and reduced motor skills, making them a significant danger to others on the road.

Maryland DUI Laws

Maryland has stringent laws against driving under the influence, including harsh penalties such as jail time, hefty fines, and license revocation. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit in Maryland is 0.08%, and drivers caught exceeding this limit face serious consequences.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, a Maryland auto accident attorney can help you seek justice and recover damages for your losses.

4. Running Red Lights and Stop Signs: Ignoring Traffic Signals

Running red lights and stop signs is a reckless behavior that frequently leads to high-impact collisions, especially at busy intersections. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), red-light running caused 928 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries in the U.S. in 2020.

Many drivers believe they can “beat the light” or may not come to a complete stop at stop signs, leading to dangerous situations that often result in serious accidents. In Maryland, intersection accidents are one of the most common types of crashes, frequently resulting in severe injuries.

Maryland Traffic Signal Laws

Maryland law requires drivers to stop at red lights and stop signs, and failure to do so can result in fines, points on a license, and liability in the event of an accident. Red-light cameras are also in place at many intersections to catch violators.

If you’ve been injured in an intersection accident caused by a negligent driver, contacting an experienced Maryland car accident attorney can help you pursue a claim for compensation.

5. Fatigued Driving: The Silent Danger

Fatigued driving is often overlooked, but it seriously threatens road safety. According to the National Sleep Foundation, drowsy driving is responsible for an estimated 100,000 crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities in the U.S. each year. Fatigue can impair a driver’s reaction time, decision-making abilities, and attention to the road, similar to the effects of alcohol impairment.

Many drivers, particularly those working long hours or driving late at night, may not realize the extent of their drowsiness until it’s too late. Falling asleep at the wheel can result in catastrophic accidents, especially on highways where speeds are higher.

Maryland Laws on Drowsy Driving

Although Maryland does not have specific laws targeting drowsy driving, drivers can still be held liable for accidents caused by fatigue under the state’s negligence laws. If a fatigued driver causes a crash, they can be held responsible for the resulting damages.

If you’ve been in an accident caused by a drowsy driver, a skilled accident lawyer in Maryland can help you navigate the legal process and secure compensation.

Protect Yourself and Others on the Road

The five mistakes outlined above—distracted driving, speeding, driving under the influence, running red lights, and fatigued driving—are all preventable actions that can have devastating consequences. As a Maryland driver, it’s essential to stay vigilant, obey traffic laws, and make responsible decisions behind the wheel.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence, Mooney Law is here to help. A dedicated Maryland accident attorney from our team can guide you through the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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